Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cowardice In the White House

Over a period of the last two months the world has sat idly by and watched as there has been violence, bloodshed, and outright murder of protesters in first Tunisia, the Egypt, which have ended with the overthrow, and ouster of entrenched dictators in both those nations.

The violence in Tunisia and Egypt has been followed by protests met with violence in Bahrain, Iran, Syria, Iraq, but by far the worst to date in Libya, where Moammar Qaddafi has killed at least 1000, possibly many more, of his own countrymen, using aircraft, tanks, and mercenaries, and who has a compound filled with stockpiles of some 10,000 pounds of Mustard Gas, Scud Missiles, and various other conventional, biological, and chemical weapons, which he can, (and has promised he will), distribute amongst his supporters for use on protesters, who are gaining control of the country.

Knowing the insanity of Moammar Qaddafi, his sons, (they have vowed to live and die in Libya, with Moammar going so far as to say he is prepared to become a martyr), the civil war going on in the country, and terrorists in the region anxious to get their hands on weapons of mass destruction, I have to wonder why a no-fly zone over Libya hasn't been declared by President Barack Obama, and a surgical strike hasn't been carried out on Gaddafi's WMD facilities.

Are Obama and the rest of the world leaders going to sit on their hands and watch until it's too late, and Qaddafi has loaded his planes with Mustard Gas, and sprayed it on the crowds in Benghazi and the two other cities that have shrugged off the yoke of tyranny in that nation? How many people are going to have to die in Libya, (and elsewhere in that region for that matter), before the leaders of the world stand up, and say enough is enough?

I am not proposing anything more than a surgical air strike, and a no-fly zone so those people can fight there war for freedom on their own, but they must at least be allowed to do so on an even footing, and our president seems to be too overwrought with cowardice to make any stance on the middle east whatsoever. Those people need to be free, and it would take such a small effort on the part of the United States to ensure that it happens, that I am amazed it already hasn't happened.

Thank You
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Let Freedom Ring

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