I'm sorry this article has taken so long to get out, (I had planned to write an article a day when I started this blog), but this article has the potential of carrying heavy repercussions, and I had to weigh the pros and cons before I wrote it. In the end it came down to a simple question: Had those people who fought and died so valiantly to found a nation based on personal freedom died in vain? Once I realized they died so I could write a story like this,
my course of action became crystal clear, I had to put aside my fear of persecution, and exercise my right to freedom of speech. With that decision made, this article practically wrote itself.
Why would I equate such a benevolent organization as Child Protective Services to Hitler's SS one might ask? After all shouldn't I just think of the children? The answer to those questions is quite simply Child Protective Services, (CPS), is just about as benevolent now as the Schutzstaffel was in 1930's and 1940's Germany, and the best way to think of the children, is to raise awareness of the US governments largest arm of tyranny in the US.
Upon an allegation that someone was harboring a Jew, or was a political dissident, the Schutzstaffel would gather a few nearby soldiers, kick in the door of the accused, ransack their homes, (many times snatching children from their parents arms, so they could be raised with proper German values), and send them off to concentration camps. On allegations of child abuse, neglect, or drug use, a CPS worker gathers members of the local constabulary, enter the home of the accused, and without benefit of a search warrant, ransack the family home, and snatch the children from their parents arms. The children are sent off to foster homes, (where they can learn proper values), and the parents are sent off for re-education, (the reeducation taking such benevolent euphemisms as parenting classes, anger management, and drug treatment, but euphemisms aside, brain washing is brainwashing, regardless of the name it is given), in hopes of having their children reunited with them, although 50% of the time, this doesn't happen, and the parents have their parental rights terminated so the children can be adopted out. In many cases the allegations of abuse and neglect are found to be unfounded, in which case CPS states that while there is no abuse or neglect, there is a danger of abuse and neglect so the children remain in foster care. That's like saying, "look you haven't robbed a bank, but we are going to put you in prison because someday you might." Now hopefully you can see the similarities between CPS, and the SS.
The whole idea behind CPS and foster care began with the Greek philosopher Plato, who in is "Republic" told us that the underprivileged should be gathered together, and their children should be taken by a casting of lots, so the people would blame their gods, and their luck, rather than the government, but what do you expect from a man who believed that no child should be raised by their own parents?
The various states began destroying the American family by enacting legislation's which gave child welfare agencies the right to remove children from their homes for neglect, (after which they were placed in orphanages, charity homes, and the homes of other people), in 1825. These children were given no choice, and were never returned home. Another part of these do-gooder, feel good legislation's allowed these same child welfare organizations to round up children they considered homeless, and place them in the same institutions.
The Humane Society, decided that people were no better than animals in 1835, and founded the Nation Federation of Child Rescue agencies to investigate allegations of child abuse, and neglect, by the late 1800's these same agencies had become to be modeled after the animal protection agencies of the time, and began to present cases is court in much the same way as they did with animals. Even though slavery had been abolished earlier in the century, a large number of the children taken by these agencies were sent to farms and factories as a free source of labor.
The federal government stepped into the escalating crisis in 1912, and removed any doubt as to the governments intent to grab power from the people, by creating the Federal Children's bureau. No longer were families being destroyed solely at the state level, now the American family was being destroyed at the federal level as well. The ability for a family to move from one state when they were being persecuted, to another to begin life anew, had been irrevocably taken from them.
There have been many, many laws passed at both the federal and state levels since 1912 concerning child welfare laws, but CPS is in my war on the impoverished series, not because of the nature of the laws, (if it were the nature of the laws passed by and for CPS they would be in the War on Freedom series I intend to write soon), but because of who the organization targets: the poor. CPS does not go after the children of people who can afford decent legal counsel, it specifically targets those who cannot afford legal counsel, and it is simply done for money for state coffers.
437,000 children were placed in foster care in 2009, (the numbers for 2010 have yet to be released), at a cost of $30,000 per child per year. The average stay per child is 2 years which puts alot of cash into state coffers, well $60,000 per child for their stay, or $13 billion a year if you look at it that way. Child theft by the state is a booming industry in this country. The cost in both the families destroyed by this organization, and its out of control spending must be reined in.
Buy American
Let Freedom Ring
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