Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Which Candidates Who Ran on a Platform of Freedom Delivered?

I remember thinking how quiet the sky was, as I made my way to Pioneer Square in downtown Portland, Or., but not much of anything else, at least until I arrived at my destination, I remember what I found there quite well.
When I got to Pioneer Square, and I looked around and saw the grief, and anger filled faces of the other people gathered there, and knew this was where I belonged, on this particular day. I prepared to take a seat on the steps behind Star buck's and heard laughter off to my right. I whipped my head in that direction, after all why should anyone have the right to be happy on this of all days? And what I saw infuriated me.
Two olive skinned men with long beards, in suits and turbans were standing on the sidewalk, and laughing, as if this were an ordinary day, instead of the worst day in modern American history. I clench my fists, and my jaws, and started storming over to where the two men stood talking together, and heard a voice shout, "Hey you!" I looked in the direction of the shout, and saw two policemen with angry looks on their faces walking toward the pair of men. One of the officers waved me off, so I went and took a seat on the steps, and watched the exchange between the cops and the two Arab men, hoping all the while, that the cops were going to shoot them. But of course I was disappointed when the cops checked their IDs and told the men to move along.

Well a few days went by and the no fly zone over the US was lifted, and a little more than two weeks after that, on October 7, 2001, the US Military invaded Afghanistan to the cheers of everyone in America. We were finally going to get some payback for Osama Bin Laden attacking the United States, and killing 2,985 people when the Twin Towers felt. We were a nation united and this was a just war. Little did we know at the time what the true cost of 9/11 was going to be, but we found out a few weeks later.

On October 26, 2001 President George W. Bush signed the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. AKA the USA Patriot Act or just the Patriot Act, to a mixed bag of cheers and jeers among the people of this country. There were many Americans who viewed this law as a way to stamp out terrorism, and many of us who believed this to be a huge step toward an Orwellian system of governance, but regardless of how we felt, our elected officials ripped our personal liberty from us in the name of freedom.

On February 15, 2011, Congress acted to reauthorize this vile law. The focus of this article is that small group, (60), legislators in Congress who ran on a platform of repealing health care, smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and individual freedom. I want to find out just how well they are doing on the individual freedoms part of their platform.

The following is a list of the true Tea Party Patriots in the US House of Representatives, they stood against the GOP and said, "No we will not vote to destroy Liberty in this country!"
Roscoe Bartlett- Md. District 7
Rob Bishop- Ut. District 1
Paul Broun- Ga. District 10
Tom Graves- Ga. District 9
Walter Jones- NC. District 3
Kenny Marchant- Tx. District 24
Tom McClintock- Ca. District 4
Dennis Rehberg- Mt. District 0 (at large)
Phil Roe- Tn. District 1

This is the List of the Tea Party members who said they stood for freedom, but in the end proved to be establishment members of the GOP who were looking after their own interests.
Robert Aderholt- Al. District 4
Todd Akin- Mo. District 2
Rodney Alexander- La. District 5
Michele Bachmann- Mn. District 6
Joe Barton- Tx. District 6
Gus Bilirakis- Fl. District 9
Michael Burgess- Tx. District 26
Dan Burton- In. District 5
John Carter- Tx. District 31
Jason Chaffetz- Ut. District 3
Howard Coble- NC. District 6
Mike Coffman- Co. District 6
Ander Crenshaw- Fl. District 4
John Culberson- Tx. District 7
John Fleming- La. District 4
Trent Franks- Az. District 2
Phil Gingrey- Ga. District 11
Louis Gohmert- Tx. District 1
Ralph Hall- Tx. District 4
Gregg Harper- Ms. District 3
Walter Herger- Ca. District 2
Lynn Jenkins- Ks. District 2
Steve King- Ia. District 5
Doug Lamborn- Co. District 5
Blaine Luetkemeyer- Mo. District 9
Cynthia Lummis- Wy District 0 (at large)
Gary Miller- Ca. District 42
Sue Myrick- NC. District 9
Randy Neugebauer- Tx. District 9
Mike Pence- In. District 6
Tom Price- Ga. District 6
Edward Royce- Ca. District 40
Steve Scalise- La. District 1
Pete Sessions- Tx. District 23
Adrian Smith- NE. District 3
Lamar Smith- Tx. District 21
Clifford Stearns Fl. District 6
Joe Walsh- Il. District 8
Lynn Westmoreland- Ga. District 3
Joe Wilson- SC. District 2

This is the list of Tea Party Patriots in the US Senate, these Senators stood against the GOP and said, "No we will not vote to destroy Liberty in this country!"
Mike Lee- Utah
Rand Paul- Kentucky

This is the List of the Tea Party members in the US Senate who said they stood for freedom, but in the end proved to be establishment members of the GOP who were looking after their own interests.
Jim Demint- South Carolina
Ron Johnson- Wisconsin
Jerry Moran- Kansas
Marco Rubio- Florida
Pat Toomey- Pennsylvania

This article is not meant to be a slam on the Tea Party in any way shape or form, it is meant to raise awareness of who ran on a platform of freedom, and who did and did not deliver on that promise. It is also a list of Congressman that either need calls and emails to congratulate them on their wise choice, or to let them know when the Patriot comes up for reauthorization on December 8, 2011, that you want freedom as promised in their campaigns.
Thank You
Buy American
Let Freedom Ring

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